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Mitsuhiro Kokita is a a fashion designer and educator with 15 years’ experience working in the fashion industry and academia. He worked
as production planner at Junya Watanabe Comme des Ichibankan garçons, as designer at Pret a Porter Men, Ichibankan Ginza, as designer, Untitled Men, World, Co., Ltd., as design assistant at Masaki Matsushima and ran his own brand. He is a lecturer at Fashion Course,
Faculty of Popular Culture and a member of Center for Innovation in Traditional industries, both at Kyoto Seika University. He was a management committee member at Research Group of Fiber Recycling, The Textile Machinery Society of Japan. He ran local industry- academia collaborations such as “Differentiation strategy and Promotion of Industry in North Harima region with high value added product through fusing Banshu weaving and Jacquard weaving” and “Development of Seamless Design Education System in Collaboration with the Local Industry Through Global Cooperation”.


Traditional Industries

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